The projects supported by Carita Feliz are managed under a methodology according to the standards of the International Cooperation for Development.
These projects always include the following stages:
• Institutional evaluation: Evaluation
regarding the strength and suitability of the institutions which are involved
in a specific project
• Design and definition: Gathering and analyzing data related to the
legal framework, socio-economic situation, environmental and
impact, market research, activity schedule, budget, etc.
• Implementation and monitoring: Marketing, fund raising, personnel
recruitment and training, project implementation, monitoring, etc.
• Project completion and accountability: Annual and final reports,
addressed to donors and co-financiers
Until now, there are over 3,000 children which have benefited directly from the projects that Carita Feliz has promoted together with other foundations in Latin America.
Carita Feliz identifies foundations of recognized and extensive experience, checks their references, analyzes their mission, structure and overall design and makes a personal visit to get a general impression on them. Additionally, it supports them actively in the conception and definition of their projects and – after a thorough analysis – it presents the selected projects to its board so that it can decide which will be supported by the foundation.
So far, Carita Feliz has developed the following projects and activities:
• A roof for the education of street kids in
Medellin, Colombia, co-funded by the Department of Immigration and Cooperation
of the Community of Madrid. Through this project, 633 street kids (“gamines”)
in the city of Medellin receive shelter, health, education, and – above all – A
LOT OF LOVE. Through this project, the construction of two buildings has been
co-financed where street kids can be taken care of (Foundation “Ximena Rico
Llano” and Foundation “Antorchas de Vida”)
• Total value of the project: 194.782€
• Presented by Foundation Mano Amiga (Spain) and Carita Feliz
• Financed by Comunidad de Madrid: 109.200€
• Beneficiaries:
– Foundation
Ximena Rico Llano: 54.600€
– Foundation
Antorchas de Vida: 54.600€
• Education in values through sports in Medellin, Colombia, supported by the Community of Madrid. The project forms 960 marginalized children in basic values through soccer schools (VADE schools: Values and Sports), emphasizing the values outlined in the Millennium Declaration. It is supported by a team of sports and administrative technicians which apply a methodology for soccer classes and competitions that is in line with these values. Additionally, a soccer field with artificial turf and lighting has been constructed
• Total value of the project: 284.972€
• Financed by the Community of Madrid: 199.955€
• Presented by Carita Feliz
• Only beneficiary: Corporación Mano Amiga (Medellin)
• High quality education in the most highly vulnerable area of Medellin, Colombia, supported by the Community of Madrid. The project has contributed to eradicate poverty through education of 900 children of low income in the “Mano Amiga” School in the municipality of Bello. Through this project, the construction of 11 classrooms with their corresponding furnishings and equipment has been co-financed
• Total value of the project: 1.491.889€
• Financed by the Community of Madrid: 159.600€
• Presented by Fundación Mano Amiga (España) and Carita Feliz
• Only beneficiary: Corporación Mano Amiga (Medellín)
• Recover the dignity through education and
sports in Medellin, Colombia. This project addresses 1.229 children (619 boys
and 610 girls) in the metropolitan area through institutional strengthening of
the foundations “Ximena Rico” (co-financing the construction of a new
building), “Antorchas de Vida” and “Mano Amiga”, with the aim to include them
into the VADE program
This project is still in execution until August 6th, 2010
• Total value of the project: 517.795€
• Financed by the Community of Madrid: 219.355€
• Presented by Fundación Carita Feliz
• Beneficiaries:
– Corporación
Mano Amiga (Medellín): 149.355€
– Fundación
Ximena Rico Llano: 60.000€
– Fundación
Antorchas de Vida: 10.000€
• Two containers with clothes were sent from
Stockholm to Colombia for displaced children and handed over to the Presidency
of Colombia
• Two containers with brand new shoes were sent from Spain to Colombia and
Brazil for disadvantaged children
• From the beginning, Carita Feliz has worked for the integration of
marginalized children in Spain